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Monday, February 12, 2018

Florida worries about climate change

Por Feco

An initiative in Florida aims at sensitizing the citizens about the more individual effects of climate change, which are definitely more than frequent wildfires, longer periods of drought in some regions and an increase in the number, duration and intensity of tropical storms. Although the practical outcome of the group is yet to be seen, the intention lying behind is at all points, necessary.

Florida Clinicians on Climate Action was officially created last month to raise awareness of the others effects of climate change people are not used to being talked to. It is widespread that the majority of persons think about climate change in terms of melting glaciers, famished polar bears and flood waters splashing at the doors of Miami Beach condo buildings, says El Nuevo Herald, an article dealing with such an important subject.

The prevalent thought is that the impacts of global warming are just that, problems for a future yet to be seen. So people do not pay too much attention, focusing as they are in the daily things of life. However, according to the publication, doctors in Florida say the changing climate is a public health risk, one they already see in their health institutions right now. That is why some clinicians have formed a new group to make themselves heard. “They want to educate people and policymakers about the dangers of a hotter, more humid world, and the risks to their most vulnerable patients”. And they have come across with colleagues all over the State to form a special “league” and pull some ears.

The group doesn’t have a government structure or a prepared agenda yet, but members say that “they want to make sure people know how climate change is already affecting public health”. Although the data gathered on the short term effects of global warming are still scarce, doctors said they know what they see and they’re ready to act. They mentioned that heat worsens asthma, heart and lung disorders and even mental illnesses. And the region knows about heat and extreme humidity.

Another of the risks is that changing climate helps spread mosquito-borne diseases (like Zika), and research shows it also makes hurricanes stronger and more common. Taking all these into account, it is evident who are the underdogs who will suffer more: low-income populations, the elderly and people of color. “Low-income people have less opportunity to get out of the path of health impacts of climate change,” confirmed Dr. Mark Mitchell, co-chair of the National Medical Association Commission on Environmental Health. All of the more reason for clinicians to step in. They want to make sure everyone knows about the impacts of climate change, at all extents, and how to protect themselves.

A Yale Survey, as cited in El Nuevo Herald, said that Floridians who know climate change is happening represented the 70 %, while those who think it will affect them personally was a minor 41 %. Thus, the need of taking immediate action in the Sunshine State of the US.