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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

17 unexpected minutes

Por sumily

In educational centers such as Cardozo, there are metal detectors and security guards at the doors, due to the conflicting history of the school. The 17-year-old student Ingrid Contrera, another who left class, explained that three times a year a simulation is carried out in the event of a shooting.

For their part, President Donald Trump, Republican politicians and the powerful National Rifle Association (NRA) propose converting schools into military zones.Student protests were held in major American cities. New York was one of the epicenters. Thousands of students left the classrooms in all the neighborhoods in the city to ask for unity among the political leaders when dealing with the scourge of violence with weapons.

Some students remained a long silence, others went to protest or to go around their schools. The truth is that at 10 am for 17 minutes the school routine of the classrooms of the United States was altered. One minute for each of the victims of the February 14 massacre at a high school in Parkland, Florida.

Thousands of schoolchildren demonstrated in favor of delimiting the sale of firearms a week after the great demonstration they organized in Washington. The protests come at a time when the White House has reduced its proposals for greater control of guns and rifles under the pressure of the arms lobby and the passivity of Republican lawmakers. The purpose of the students is to achieve what none of the latest massacres in the US has done, to give way to the emergence of reforms that prohibit access to weapons at the national level.

The congregation of students from Washington schools took place in front of the presidential residence and around 10 am they turned their backs to the White House and remained silent for 17 minutes raising their posters and began to walk to the Capitol, where they participated in a rally with the Democratic leadership of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

The 17-minute strike, a novelty in the US educational system, in schools that have suffered massive shootings in the past, the majority of students abandoned their classes in unison and held joint protests for 17 minutes. At the center of Britney Juarez, a 14-year-old student at Cardozo High School in Washington, 25% of her classmates left, the activities depended on the will of the students and the position adopted by the management of the institutions.

On the other hand, the teenager Tyrell Barton, remained prostrate in the door of the school during 17 minutes. As seen by Barton, the proposal of President Donald Trump to arm a group of teachers, after following a special training, to avoid killings in schools is flatly wrong because if teachers get very angry, they could end up shooting the student. The young man also claimed to raise from 18 to 21 the minimum age to buy a rifle, as approved last week Florida with the possibility of arming guardians, however, said Trump age change or supports him.