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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Miss Venezuela contest is suspended indefinitely

Por Damian

After a controversy unleashed in recent weeks the organization of Miss Venezuela announced that it will initiate an "internal review". This action comes as a consequence of the accusations made by former contestants which suggest that in exchange for keeping the precious crown, they were involved in prostitution and corruption with government leaders.

The decision has been made to initiate an internal review to determine if during the course of its proceedings there have been activities that violate the values and ethics of the event, said the Cisneros Group firm, the company behind the contest, in a signed statement.

Meanwhile, la Quinta Miss Venezuela, which is the headquarters in Caracas dedicated to the formation of future queens, will close its doors and the castings of Miss Venezuela and Mister Venezuela will be temporarily suspended. "The Organization has never consented nor will accept any act that harms in any way its reputation", adds the text, in which it is also anticipated the event will be restructured and the code of ethics reinforced.

The scandal exploded earlier this month, after the appearance of some pictures in social media of Miss Zoraya Villarreal participating in events of businessman Diego Salazar´s foundation, arrested for a corruption case involving his cousin Rafael Ramírez, once powerful chief of the state oil company PDVSA. The publication unleashed a strong clash among a dozen former misses and television presenters, including Annarella Bono, who defended Villarreal.

Bono hinted that other former participants had been involved as well in corruption and sexual favors. "They are all sluts and here everyone praises them. What upsets me the most is that the we are the only ones that are being plugged "said Bono, ex-wife of a high-ranking military officer, who even mentioned several of them.

"Look for a psychiatrist" the actress and former Miss Angie Pérez answered. In other messages, former candidate Hannelly Quintero accused of Stefanía Fernández, Miss Venezuela 2008 and Miss Universe winner in 2009 of participating in illegal business. In the middle of the battle, Bono left the channel where she worked.

All scandal aside, the magnitude of these accusations has spread all across the internet and rest assured, it will continue on the news headlines in the weeks to come.