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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The Army could make the wall in Mexico

Por Damian

Despite the fact that he will require the approval of the Congress, President Donald Trump had the idea of ​​using the military budget to pay for the wall that he has long desired to raise on the border with Mexico. The plan comes as a sign that the politician is clearly still annoyed by the budget arrangement signed last week, reported El Nuevo Herald.

During a meeting with House Speaker Paul Ryan at the White House last week Trump suggested the financing plan, said a person with knowledge of the meeting who spoke on condition of anonymity. He also tweeted that building "a huge border wall" is a matter of "national defense" and asked to use the Army to make the barrier.

However, federal agencies have limited authority to rearrange funds without the support of Congress. Chris Sherwood, Pentagon´s spokesman, referred all interrogations on the wall to the White House, where spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said they will not disclose any further detail.

Trump produced a stir in Washington by threatening to veto the spending bill, in part because it did not include the $ 25 billion he tried to get for the wall at the last minute negotiations.The $ 1.3 trillion fund package includes $ 1.6 billion for border wall expenditures. But most of that money can only be used to repair existing segments and not for the construction of new sections. Congress also restricted the type of barriers that can be placed. Trump has tried to justify the approval of the budget plan with the increase of funds for the army. However, he is still frustrated, according to relatives who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Likewise, some persons close to the president have also suggested creating a campaign through GoFundMe in a way that Trump could raise public funds to finance the wall. The White House has not answered the questions about it, and it is unknown if the idea has sufficient supporters.

For Trump's misfortune, giving the Constitution´s statements, Congress has the power to determine budget distributions, and the executive has little authority to change funding without congressional approval.

Back in the day, the construction of the wall was one of the main campaign promises of Donald Trump, and the idea that generated the greatest ovation among his supporters.