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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

There are whims that cost us our lives

Por sumily

According to the records of the Florida Department of State Health, the Coral Gables Cosmetic Surgery license is canceled, while the CG Cosmetic Surgery license was issued on August 23, 2017. In addition, the Coral Gables Cosmetic Surgery Twitter account was recycled and now bears the name of CG Cosmetic Surgery.

With the death of Pineda, his relatives in California opened a fundraising account in c to be able to pay for the transfer of his body from Miami and the funeral services.Family and friends also opened a group on Facebook to look for possible victims of this clinic in South Florida.Pineda leaves two children, one of 17 and the youngest of 4, who accompanied her on the trip. The little one is already back in California with his relatives.

She had been planning his visit to Miami for months. He would meet up again with one of his adolescent friends to resuscitate old stories from his native Santa Ana, in El Salvador, and would take advantage of a surgery to improve his figure. Delma Pineda, a resident of San Francisco, California, for two decades, arrived in South Florida accompanied by her youngest son, only 4 years old. On the morning of Monday, March 5, I was already ready and excited for her makeover at the CG Cosmetic Surgery clinic.

However, the day after the operation, Pineda fell unconscious in the home of his friend and died hours later at the Jackson Memorial Hospital. Cindy Barahona, a friend of Pineda, told the Nuevo Herald that she was surprised that the cosmetic operation had been performed despite the fact that Pineda, a 44-year-old medical assistant, had not been able to get one of the pre-surgery medical exams. Barahona added that the workers at the clinic sent Pineda to have an ultrasound done at another center, which at that time was closed.

When both returned to the CG Cosmetic Surgery clinic, the employees did not worry about the absence of the test and proceeded with the procedure. Then Barahona left Pineda alone at the clinic and returned at the end of the afternoon.When Pineda finally came out and it was really late, he looked bad, he complained a lot, he said that it hurt a lot and he could barely move.

The friend added that she was not given any sedative, only a medical prescription. Pineda spent the night between moans and laments, and the next morning, collapsed in the bathroom. Records from the Miami-Dade forensic office indicate that Pineda died on Tuesday 6 at 4:30 in the afternoon. The documents delivered to Pineda and Barahona upon leaving the clinic reveal that the Salvadoran woman had a breast lift and augmentation, as well as liposuction of the abdomen and side and reduction of the abdomen.

The clinic documents identify the doctor who practiced the surgery as Scott Loessin. However, Barahona was surprised because Pineda had always told her that only breast augmentation would be done. A relative close to Pineda, who did not want to reveal his name, told the Nuevo Herald that the doctors had told them that the woman had suffered a cardiac arrest and a stroke. Of the rest, the woman was in good health. The Miami-Dade Police are investigating Pineda's death, although they did not disclose more details because it is an open case.