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Friday, June 22, 2018

Melania's tweet ignites the controversy even more

Por thais

"Queen Letizia and I enjoyed tea and time together, focusing on the ways in which we can positively influence children." This has been the tweet published by the first American lady and as expected the networks have burned with comments of indignation.

The situation regarding migrant children in the United States is at its worst. The phrase itself of Melania Trump should not arouse so much controversy, however, written in the current context, is considered by Internet users as a provocation. The application of the immigration law by the US authorities has caused the children of immigrant families to be separated from their parents once they arrive at the border. So it's not strange to think that the answers to the first lady's tweet were going to be of this type.

Most of the comments refer to the controversial procedure to which these families are being subjected. "You can positively influence children by denouncing your husband's policy of separating children from their families at the border, please," wrote a user on the social network Twitter. One of the most outstanding responses was that of the mayor of Barcelona, ​​Ada Colau, who said she felt "ashamed of such cynicism", about "those who cruelly separate children from their parents", clearly referring to "those who smile at her side" in the photograph published by Melania, in which he poses with Queen Leticia.

Many of the comments of Internet users are accompanied by very strong images about the situation of these immigrant families, especially children, who are piled on the ground and even crying. They are really photographs that describe in a very aggressive way what is happening on the border, achieving a powerful impact on international public opinion.

According to a report from a Department of Homeland Security spokesman, 1,995 children were separated from 1,940 adults between April 19 and May 31. While the NGO ProPública denounces that the figures amount to the 2 300 children who "have been separated from their parents since April, when the Trump Administration launched its zero tolerance immigration policy, which requires prosecuting all persons who try to enter illegally. in the country and take the children they bring with them. "