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Monday, February 19, 2018

LeBron on Trump: "He does not give a f**k about people"

Por Feco

On Thursday, UNINTERRUPTED released a video of James alongside Kevin Durant and Cari Champion. The talk revised a number of trending topics, including James calling Trump a “bum” on Twitter back in September. James said: “the climate is hot”. “The No. 1 job in America, the appointed person is someone who doesn’t understand the people. And really don’t give a f--k about the people.”

The stars of American sport have never hesitated to position themselves against Donald Trump when they have seen it necessary. And Donald Trump has not shaken his pulse (or polls) to give speeches against athletes, especially in his tense dispute with NFL players: "Get those bastards out of the field," he said about those who stuck their knee during the American anthem before football games. It has been a story that has fed media for a long time.

LeBron James and Kevin Durant have spoken about all of this in a report for 'Uninterrupted', the project that James himself founded and that has brought together the two great stars of the NBA during the last decade (along with Kobe Bryant and Stephen Curry). "He's someone who does not understand people and who really does not give a s…t about people. When I was growing up, there was like three jobs that you looked (to) for inspiration. It was the president of the United States, it was whoever was the best in sports and then it was like the greatest musician at the time. You never thought you could be them, but you can grab inspiration from them”, explains LeBron.

The star of the Cavaliers also remembered the graffiti they did last year at his home in Los Angeles. "I am a black man with a lot of money and a house in Brentwood (neighborhood of L.A.), and I had the word "negrata "painted on the door of my house ... so I still have a lot of work to do". Lebron was also making obvious comment on the racism still inherent in the United States society, of which president Donald Trump has not escaped.

The US leader has given enough evidence that he is all about America and what he believes the true Americans are. But he has not made a clear stance on the controversial issue of police members shooting black people, for instance. At the beginning of this season, a controversy arose between Trump and the Warriors, who had refused to attend the traditional visit that the NBA champion team makes to the White House, and LeBron came out in defense of Curry and company attacking the president: "I was an honor until you arrived". Thus, the sports idol has made himself clear about what he thinks of the man who supposedly owns the world. How will this controversy end? Lebron and his followers hope with Trump out of the White House.