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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Huge shark is seen on Florida's waters

Por Damian

Two fishermen freaked out last weekend by the sight of a huge white shark while minding their business in the east coast of Florida. Kyle Morningstar and his friend Ian Smith, were quietly after red snappers and other fishes when they suddenly noticed a large gray spot in the water that began to surround their boat, reported the News-Journal news portal.

The couple began shouting swearwords at the sight of the shark that fenced their 23-foot-long "Side Effects" vessel in the waters of Ponce Inlet in Volusia County.

On Instagram, a video is circulating showing the encounter they had with the shark: “Holy... Oh my God... brother!" The two men shouted in the tape that Morningstar published on his account while also apologizing for the rudeness expressed in the heat of the moment.

Kyle Morningstar, 31, of Port Orange, said when the anchor began to rise he saw a group of fishes moving quickly towards what looked like a large gray spot. "I was in shock. I screamed and yelled at my friend to take the phone and record the video, "he said. The man estimated that the shark was 12 to 15 feet long and that it weighed more than half the size of his boat.

"We ran through our boat and that monstrous shark circled around us, did two laps and took a look at us," Morningstar said. "I was not scared. The great white shark disappeared as sudden as it had appeared. " Morningstar also declared the chilling music of the movie "Jaws" "almost came to his head" and he could not help thinking "we'll need a bigger boat," he said.

George Burgess, an international expert on sharks, said it is the right time of year for such encounters in waters off the central coast of Florida. He explained that the fishes that swim with the shark are a combination of remora and cobia. The remora, usually 2-2½ feet long, "gives you an idea of how big the shark really is," said the expert.

Some more info? The great white shark has no known natural predators other than, on very rare occasion, the killer whale and is arguably the world's largest known extant macropredatory fish.