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Monday, March 12, 2018

NRA fights Florida initiative

Por MRod

Lately, the Florida Congress passed a law that, among other things, allows teachers to be armed and changed the minimum age to own a firearm. The regulations limit the possibility of having weapons in the center to teachers with military training or experience as agents of the law, but this was not what bother the United States NRA.

As soon as the governor of Florida signed the new gun control law on Friday, the National Rifle Association filed a lawsuit to overthrow it. The powerful lobby considers that the legislation violates the second amendment of the Constitution, which establishes the right to use firearms and self-defense, because it raises from 18 to 21 years the minimum age to obtain one. The legislation went ahead on Thursday at the state Congress, still under pressure from the killing on February 14 at the Parkland Institute, where a 19-year-old former student killed 17 people. "The new law takes away the right to self-protection of the second amendment to adults aged 18 to 20 years who comply with the laws and imposes unnecessary delays for the purchase of weapons."

This law punishes the owners of weapons respectful of the law because of the criminal act of a degenerate”, said the NRA (acronym in English of the Association) on its Twitter account. Believe it or not, the institution could not care less about the death of innocent people. Law 7026 also vetoes devices that trick the semiautomatic rifles and turn them into something similar to a machine gun, like those used by the Las Vegas concert killer on October 1. In addition, it establishes further funds for a program to detect mental problems in order to avoid cases like the young Nikolas Cruz, responsible of Parkland massacre, who possessed legally, an assault rifle despite having suffered depression and received psychiatric care.

What is ironic is that the NRA does not oppose, however, an element of the law that has other skeptics, starting with the governor who has signed it, and is arming some teachers so they can act in situations such as Parkland. It is an option contemplated for only a minority of teachers who have military training or have experience as agents of the law.

Nevertheless, it would be like fighting guns with more guns. Many of the young survivors of the massacre carried out strong protests to demand from US lawmakers measures of greater control over weapons, something that has not borne fruit after other past tragedies. For March 24, they have called a big march in Washington. Donald Trump, who was very close to the National Rifle Association, urged the congressmen not to be pressured by the lobby and think about initiatives. The first limitations already have the answer of the NRA in the courts.