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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Russia has the fault

Por dbloggers

Russia is in everywhere, at least it seems so. After Theresa May accusations and EU restrictions and sanctions due to use of a nerve agent to attempt to kill an ex-convicted agent, Moscow is adding sanctions and accusations of being in every domestic trouble worldwide. First the non-solved case of Moscow´s collision in the 2016 election, which won Donald Trump. Hacking of big company, spies on 2018 middle term election and so on the list where Kremlin is the main guilty. US president Donald Trump despite he is not agreed about the collusion, he believes that Russia interference in political affairs of countries should be stopped.

According to the president of America, Russia is undermining the economic and political system of West countries. The Russian are threaten the balance of domestic issues worldwide. But Vladimir Putin seems on media that he wants quiet relationships with Europe and the United States. Nevertheless, Putin criticizes several times US policy of “American First”, a slogan that Donald Trump rose up after having seized the presidency. Once again, Trump emphasizing on America reinforce the Cybercommand, where is the main field of political and ideological war between both potencies. Trump believes not only the Kremlin has a hard work spying, also using the digital world to influence the citizen of their enemies.

The differences between Moscow and Washington are a broad gap. Relationships are tightening because of many reasons, one of them is foreign affairs positions. Syria, Ukraine, and North Korea are the discord apple. In one hand Russia says that US supported terrorist, and on the other hand, Washington regards that Moscow is soft with the dictatorships - such as Kim Jong-un - and violate human rights in Ukraine. Despite off on media interview both head of state wants to improve their relationships but is adding fuel to flame with East accusations against Russia that US supported.

However, a few months ago, US intelligence service frustrated a bomb attack on St. Petersburg, and Putin called to thanks the information and collaboration between them.

It is quite known that the 2016 interference is an example of how social networks and worldwide can be used. The 13 Russian citizens indicted for steal identities, cards and spread false propaganda. Facebook, Google and Twitter Inc are one of the techs enterprises under investigation and questioned because were used by Russian to interfere on 2016 election. US former intelligence officers have blamed Kremlin of hacking American technology enterprise and more seriously it is that American intelligence believes that Moscow knew about the interference and hacking and they didn´t stop because they want to undermine domestic affairs on West world.

While Robert Mueller is still searching links between Trump´s staff collusion with Russia, the president is drawing up a strategy to stop Kremlin influence on domestic affairs and also calling to improve Cyber command service to avoid Russian hacks. A report of U.S. intelligence agencies revealed that Moscow spread false emails and information about Hillary Clinton to tip the election in Donald Trump's favor.