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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Former president of Brazil plans to sue Netflix

Por Damian

Netflix will be denounced by the ex-president of Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and all due to a television series on the platform called The Mechanism that recreated the biggest corruption scandal in Brazilian history. The action was announced last week as part of the intense controversy raised by the show all around the South American territory, reported El Nuevo Herald.

During the closure of his tour through southern Brazil, Lula stopped by Curitiba, in the state of Paraná, and addressed the matter by saying “We are going to denounce those responsible (of the series) here or anywhere because they have produced a piece that is nothing but another lie”.

"We do not have to accept that and I will not accept it", said Lula, who was sentenced last January to 12 years in prison for passive corruption and money laundering and is portrayed in The Mechanism.

The series premiered last week with a first season of eight chapters inspired by the operation "Lava Jato", from which the former ruler was sentenced (2003-2010) in one of the seven criminal proceedings opened against him, mostly for corruption suspicion.

The events viewers perceive on the television show take place between 2003 and 2014, during the governments of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and his successor in the Presidency, Dilma Rousseff. The controversy, raised by sectors of the Brazilian left, was generated especially by the episode in which Lula is said to be the mind behind some statements made by Senator Romero Jucá, who is also investigated for his role in the scandal of the oil company Petrobras.

The tour of Lula, the fourth in recent months, comes at a time when the Brazilian Justice has tightened even more the siege on the former president after being sentenced. His caravan, which has traveled during the last ten days several locations in the southern region of the country, has been the epicenter of various altercations such as barricades and stoning.

However, the most serious incident occurred on the eve, when the bus carrying the journalists covering the tour received two shots, while another with guests from the Workers Party was hit by at least one projectile, with no injuries.