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Saturday, April 7, 2018

Former US President will not miss book presentation

Por Feco

William Jefferson Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States and former governor of Arkansas, is about to present his new fiction book "The president is missing". Although scarce details have been offered in what seems an evident marketing strategy, the duo behind the publication encourages the audience to buy and say.

International media went about it a few days ago. However, little is yet known. United States, a global crisis and a disappeared president. These are the only three elements that the editorial on Bill Clinton’s first novel has advanced. The former president delves into the political thriller side by side with the famous author of the genre, and USA Today bestselling writer, James Patterson. Both announce in a video the presentation tour of "The president is missing", which goes on sale next June 4. "I will not reveal the mystery revealing who the president is or why he is missing, in other words, you will have to read "The president is missing" to know the end," warns Clinton.

In the video, preceded by some cinematographic labels and environmental music that accentuates the style of the novel, the duo gives few details of the plot, but they assure with complicity that the novel "is full of twists" that will catch the readers. Patterson, known for the character of FBI agent Alex Cross, highlights the difficulties of decision-making at the White House, the stress and responsibility of assuming the presidency of the United States. "Being president is a great honor, but it is also the most difficult job in the world," says Clinton, who held the office for two terms between 1993 and 2001. With an image of the White House as a claim on its cover, the novel includes, according to the editorial, "details that only a president could know."

The promotional campaign will begin in New York on June 3rd, exactly one day before the book goes on sale, which can now be ordered on the promotional website. Clinton has written other books before about his political experience, including his biography My Life, published in 2004. However, this is the first time he has ventured into fiction. The tour includes a score of cities in the United States in which attendees can talk to the former president and perhaps find out who that mysterious leader is. The joint production has gained focus for a while, as it is not often that you see an ex-president of the United States collaborate with a renowned writer in a text that may be cataloged as fiction but that would certainly teach us more about the intricacies of the White House.