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Thursday, April 5, 2018

Mexican elections: Meade promises to fight corruption

Por Feco

The PRI candidate begins the campaign with the agenda that President Peña Nieto leaves pending. The issue of corruption was his flag. Meade has also included in his program a group of proposals around the problems that affect women. He promised to attend to the wave of femicides, the regulation of work at home, the wage gap and labor conciliation.

José Antonio Meade, the Partido Rrevolucionario Institucional (PRI) candidate for the presidency of Mexico, has offered to end the disenchantment of Mexicans for politics and the numerous cases of corruption in the country. The former Treasury Secretary, who has become an aspirant to occupy the residence of Los Pinos, has begun his presidential campaign on Sunday, promising that he will be the first president who will not have immunity. Sound familiar to you? Without noticing that the largest cases of corruption in Mexico are related to the PRI and that they have remained, for the most part, unpunished, the applicant has clung to the flag of honesty to ask for the vote in his favor. "We Mexicans are fed up with corruption, I will be implacable to fight it, I will do it with laws and institutions that allow me to immediately recover the stolen and return it to society”, he told hundreds of PRI members who traveled to Mérida (State of Yucatán, southeast of Mexico) for the start of the race.

Analysts agreed that Meade began the 90-day trip in Yucatan, because it is a region where the PRI's roots are long-standing and loyal despite the staggering that the party has suffered in recent years. The candidate has avoided ignoring the social demand for greater security and the fight against corruption. Meade has stopped longer in his speech to address these issues, but without pointing to the cases that put the spotlight on the party that has submitted his candidacy. Meade has also proposed an electoral program of around seven axes that include women, youth, education, health, extreme poverty, security and access to credit. The agenda he has proposed, however, revolves around the issues that Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto will leave pending as of December.

As conservative candidates Ricardo Anaya and Margarita Zavala did last Friday, Meade also attacked the proposals of the opposition Andrés Manuel López Obrador, leader in the polls. Without naming him, the PRI candidate criticized the initiative of the Morena candidate to install an amnesty for members of organized crime. "We will end violence by applying the law, not negotiating it, we have to put peace before the conflict and consolidate a culture of respect for the law, we are on the side of the victims, not the criminals, there will be no forgiveness for those who have hurt to society, they will remain in jail, "Meade mentioned.