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Monday, April 2, 2018

Something can change in our bodies.

Por mayli2017

According to Dr. Paul Lee, of the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, who has led research on brown fat, considers that the natural capacity of this tissue to burn energy makes it a potential therapeutic target against obesity and diabetes.

How can it be activated? That is the point that scientists are trying to figure out. Some share the view that the activity of brown fat in adults can be stimulated by regular exposure to low temperatures while others, such as Dr. Paul Lee, specialist in endocrinology, have explored the possibility of converting "white fat" in "brown fat", through the use of two hormones, which are normally released during exercise and with cold.

Brown fat is a specific type of body fat that is activated when the person or animal feels cold. Most mammals, including humans, have it but in different amounts. Once activated this type of fat, also known as brown adipose tissue, generates heat to help maintain body temperature. So that it can produce that heat, the brown fat needs as fuel the white corporal fat, that is to say, the normal one.

Therefore, in recent years there has been an interest by experts and researchers interested in seeking new theories to help weight loss in future treatments for obesity. According to information published by the Garvan Institute for Medical Research in Sydney, Australia, 50 grams of white fat accumulate approximately more than 300 kilocalories of energy and the same amount of brown fat can burn 300 kilocalories a day. Some experts are of the opinion that brown fat could be "removed" to activate the burning of white fat, while others believe that white fat could be "converted" into brown fat through the use of exercise or with stimuli such as cold.

However, these studies are still embryonic and until now there is no conclusive scientific evidence made with humans.As for brown fat, newborns are the human beings who possess it the most. Human beings are born with reserves around the neck and torso because that is the way that nature found to help us keep the temperature warm in our first months of life, when we are more vulnerable.

A few years ago it was believed that fat disappeared with childhood. Now we have the certainty that although its presence diminishes with age, brown or brown fat is present in most adults and is metabolically active.However, when you talk about fat you think it is part of the fat that generates fat, but not worse. The presence of it in the body is in very small amounts compared to white fat and contains many more mitochondria than white, and that is what gives it its distinctive brown color. These mitochondria are the "engines" with which they burn calories to produce heat.Some scientists have come to the conclusion that those who have greater amounts of this fat in their body, their physical constitution tends to be thinner.