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Sunday, April 22, 2018

The mystery of the seventeenth century heretical letter is solved

Por Rory

From the seventeenth century the "Devil's letter" was an unsolved mystery. It was only known that it had been written in the convent of Palma di Montechiaro (Sicily) by the unknown nun Maria Crocifissa della Concezione. A nun, who according to herself affirmed had scrawled this missive while she was possessed by the devil. Few more data had of this epistle. Its very content was an enigma, since the language in which it had been initialed was unknown.

However, this historical enigma has just been resolved more than three centuries later by a group of researchers from the Ludum Museum (Italy) and, unfortunately for lovers of the occult, has little to do with Satan.

According to what have revealed several newspapers such as the popular "The Times" or the Italian "La Stampa", the decryption experts of the museum made use of an algorithm hosted on the "Deep web" (to treasure hundreds of pages that are not indexed in browsers) to decipher its content. The result was something very far from Satanism: some lines with little meaning that speak of the decadence of religion and the corruption of the system.

The incongruity of the message, together with the mixture of legend and reality that has been generated around María Crocifissa della Concezione, has led experts to establish the hypothesis that she wrote this missive during an attack of schizophrenia, and that she did so in a dialect of his own invention.

The legend of Maria Crocifissa della Concezione began in the mid-seventeenth century, while she was in the convent of Palma di Montechiaro (Sicily). It was a day of 1676 when (in response to what is told in "La Estampa") the religious - aged 31 - woke up in her room covered in ink. Apparently, she realized then that she had written with her own hands several illegible letters.

From that moment, the nun explained to her companions of the Benedictine convent that she had been possessed by Satan and that he had forced her to write heretical missives. Letters that, she said, intended to test her faith in God. Her companions believed her, and since then, they expounded the mentioned epistles (of which only one is preserved) in the convent. In the words of the newspaper "Daily Mail" - which has also echoed the news - the "letter of the Devil" (as it began to be known) has been trying to decode for centuries without success. In this way, its content has gone down in history as a mystery that has remained alive for more than 300 years.

The true meaning of those lines remained hidden until now that a group of decryption experts from the Ludum Museum reported that they had managed to unveil it. And everything, thanks to software that they found in the «Dark Web». "We believe that this algorithm is used by intelligence services to decipher secret messages," Daniele Abate, director of the center, told The Times. In the words of this expert, they tried to decipher the message by comparing the symbols written on it with the characters of Greek, Arabic, the Runic alphabet or Latin (among many others). The conclusion, always taking into account the interview given by Abate to «The Times», was that the nun had used a mixture of dialects to create the «devil's letter». Some of her own invention.

After an arduous work, the experts say they have translated about 15 lines of the letter. And, they say, its content lacks coherence. However, they pointed out that María Crocifissa della Concezione defined the Holy Trinity as a burden and pointed out that God was invented by human beings. In addition, the letter also left written that "the system does not work for anyone" and that "maybe, now, Styx is true." The latter term would refer to a river that, according to mythology, separates the land from the living from that of the dead.

To this day, Abate is in favor of rejecting the theory of satanic possession. On the contrary, he believes that the nun had some type of bipolar disorder - or schizophrenia - that led her to write the "devil's letter" without realizing it. To support this theory, it is based on the fact that, since she entered the convent in 1645 (aged 15), María Crocifissa della Concezione became interested in learning several languages. Tongues that could have mixed in her mind involuntarily to create the missives.