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Friday, April 6, 2018

Trump sent soldiers to the Mexican border


The president of the United States, Donald Trump, has already ordered the deployment of soldiers from the National Guard, reserve forces normally responsible for the security of the States, to guard the border with Mexico, as part of a broad offensive against irregular immigration that the Republican has undertaken with a bellicose speech against the neighboring country.

It is known. Trump wants to build a wall, a project for which the Congress does not give him a budget, and meanwhile he has chosen to reinforce the control of the border patrols with the military, as he advanced on Tuesday. The Secretary of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, said that the deployment would begin "immediately", although agreements should still be formalized with the governors of the States of the Union that border Mexico. The use of the National Guard at the border is not new.

The Democrat Barack Obama deployed 1,200 troops in 2010 also in order to stop the entry of illegal foreigners and drug trafficking, at a time when criticism raged. Arizona had just enacted a law that qualified illegal immigration in the State as a crime and allowed the police to detain anyone on "reasonable suspicion" that he/she was an undocumented immigrant. Also, the Republican George W. Bush used the military route to control the border area with Mexico - 6,000 troops to help build railings and roads between 2006 and 2008 - although he withdrew them at the end of his term.

Trump adopts this decision wielding, in good part, distorted data on migration and attacking Mexico with harshness, a country that he accuses of passivity while stopping the flow of migration, of its own and from Central American countries, to the north. Mexico, however, has surpassed the US in the number of deportations in the last two years. Last year, for example, the country sent away 147,000 immigrants, compared to the 96,000 of the United States. And the arrival on the border of foreigners - mainly Central Americans - fell in 2017 compared to 2016, from 563,204 to 415,191 arrests, according to official data. In recent days, the president has referred to a caravan of Central American migrants who were crossing Mexico in the direction of the United States, convened by the organization 'Pueblos sin Fronteras'. On Tuesday they decided to leave the trip in Puebla. Those who want to continue must do it on their own.