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Friday, February 16, 2018

Donald Trump ratifies his ideology in the budget presented for 2019

Por sumily

The proposed destination for the 4.4 trillion dollars reflects the intention of this government to centralize national power and reduce external spending. This is demonstrated by the significant cut of 32% to the State Department, 20 times less than the Pentagon. The figures indicate significant cuts in national programs such as Medicare, which worries those who benefit from this federal health insurance program; elderly people 65 years of age or older, disabled and people with an end-stage renal disease.

In the proposal that Congress must approve, millions of sums are contemplated to combat the undocumented and prevent the country from continuing to arrive immigrants along the border with Mexico.

The project budget presented by Donald Trump for 2019 offers a good negative of his ideology. The United States protects itself against immigration (23,000 million), reinforces its military muscle (686,000 million) and activates internal growth with 200,000 million in public works. A proposal that fits millimetrically to the Republican electoral needs, but drastically cuts social spending and breaks the promise to contain the budget hemorrhage. Far from any moderation, the initiative (4.4 billion) increases spending by 10% and triggers the deficit to almost one trillion dollars.

It is the squaring of the circle. In December, Trump launched a $ 1.5 trillion tax cut and last week promoted a pact between Republicans and Democrats to increase the spending ceiling by $ 300 billion in two years. In this scenario, it has now launched a budget that spearheads an infrastructure plan of 200,000 million in a decade. A catalyst for the investment that the White House expects to reach to join 1.5 trillion in private and public funds, but that nobody has explained how it will be financed.

This uncertainty, in a country with a public debt exceeding 20 billion, is aggravated by the express resignation to achieve fiscal balance, one of the commandments of the Republican bible. On the contrary, the text presented on Monday admits that in a decade the accumulated deficit may reach 7.2 trillion, compared to the 3.2 trillion that Trump promised last year. It is a gigantic imbalance that does not even stop the massive cuts in social spending: three trillion dollars in 10 years, especially in health and food programs.

Credible or not, the budget will have to go through the Congress shredder. There, Republicans and Democrats will dissect the items and subject them to their needs, which this year gravitate around the November 6 elections, when the entire House of Representatives, one-third of the Senate and 39 gubernatures will be renewed. Nobody knows exactly what will remain alive after the parliamentary digestion, but in any case, the distribution of funds presented by the White House offers a good picture of its political objectives.

The budget presented by the White House for 2019 imposes a 32% cut to the State Department. With only 37,000 million, 20 times less than the Pentagon, diplomacy suffers losses in almost all its programs. Peace operations, funds for the UN and other international organizations bear the brunt.