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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The voice of the survivors echoes in Florida

Por sumily

The National Rifle Association is the oldest civil rights entity in the United States, made up of illustrious defenders of the homeland and preservers of the Second Amendment. It arises in 1871 as a recreational sect created to promote and promote rifle shooting from the scientific base. It becomes an important and active part of the policy since 1934 with the sending of its members of legislation related to skills in the acquisition of weapons. In that same year, he carried out the enactment of the National Firearms Law and approved it. In 1968 he achieved a new regulation to facilitate access to these items. For more than five years, the purpose of the association is to promote freedom for the legal possession of firearms among civilians, based on a controversial defense of the Second Amendment.

David Hogg, a student at Parkland High School, where the massacre took place in which 17 people died and another 15 were injured on February 14, exhorts tourists who intend to travel on their next vacation to Florida to do when the state approves a reform of the arms law. Hogg, after the events, has become one of the most mediatic faces of the educational institution to advocate the strictest laws on arms control. It is making a constant call to tourists from the country and the world to boycott the Sunshine State.

From his Twitter account proposes to everyone an agreement by asking tourists not to visit Florida on their vacations unless the government approves a law for arms control. According to statistics from a Visit Florida study, tourists spend $ 108.8 billion annually in Florida, which generates about $ 11.3 billion in taxes for the state. Every day, more than 2.2 million tourists arrive at the state of the Sun and spending, as an average in one day, 300 million.

The student emphasizes that regular visitors would have a better vacation in Puerto Rico, a beautiful country, with wonderful people. In this way, the activists and survivors of the massacre could use the economic support, or the economic loss of the government, in this case, as motivation to obtain a law for arms control in the state. However, Hoggs believes that the boycott is not only necessary in Florida, but in those companies related to the manufacture of weapons or that support and provide services to the National Rifle Association.

After this comment from the young man went viral, several companies announced that they had ended their links with the NRA. The reason that many made known is that this organization denies the requests that greater restrictions be imposed on the purchase of weapons. The consequences have been that two of the main airlines in the United States: United Airlines and Delta have broken contracts with the association, eliminating the discount they offered in their rates to the members of the NRA when they were traveling on business.