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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

"Rich" Scott Senate career on the tightrope

Por qubano22005

"Rich" Scott is not interested in the money of the National Rifle Association (NRA) and, unlike his colleague Marco Rubio, has launched himself against the wall of the most important lobby in the United States, in an effort to get the undecided voters support during his campaign for a seat in the Senate, a struggle he shares with Bill Nelson. Rick seeks support from young voters who are still moved by the Parkland killings in which 14 people died. Scott signed a law last month that raised the legal age to buy a gun in Florida from 18 to 21, with a three-day waiting period.

However, although it is a measure that slows down the lack of control over guns’ possession, there is still much to be resolved as is the reiterated criminal records’ issue.

Rick Scott's move could have serious consequences and become the sword of Damocles ahead the election. If on the one hand Rick has the full support of many people, his Facebook campaign wall shows several comments from detractors. On the other hand, the first restrictions to the possession of arms in that state have angered to the Florida members of the NRA, a reason Rick must had taken into accounts before deciding to do so. Curiously, Scott got an A+ mark by the NRA precisely because of his support to the association.

And although it seems crazy, the Governor of Florida knows what he is facing and that currently the shootings in different regions of the United States have put the NRA up against the wall and, taking into account the future elections, an accurate position on the possession of guns could tip the balance in favor or against. Currently, public support for greater control of arms has grown. While most voters do not want the elimination of the Second Amendment, several do support a greater control and restriction for the possession of fire guns.

Scott's strategy does not seem so unfortunate and his clear "rebelliousness" could add voters categorized as independent and moderate. Fortunately, Scott will have the support of the Parkland victims and, almost certain, of the vast majority of the voters who work at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

On the other hand, Scott does not fear NRA’s wrath since he does not need financial support from the lobby to raise money and according to some pollsters, it is very unlikely that Republican voters support the Democrat Bill Nelson, because although several Republicans are discontented by the new law, they consider Nelson a weak character that in addition supports the restriction on assault weapons.

Robert Spitzer, an expert in gun policy and chairman of the department of Political Science at SUNY Cortland in New York, believes that Scott is well positioned and signing the law could be useful for his campaign. "It's certainly a message that says he is not in the service of the NRA completely," Spitzer saidd for The New Herald. However, Spitzer's analysis has its biases and Scott's performance over the years has said otherwise. The governor of Florida has long been at the forefront of the policies endorsed by the NRA. In that state the controversial stand your ground law was implemented. Even at one point, one of the NRA's spokespersons and Rick's current detractor, Marion Hammer, praised Scott for his "historic" signature on five pro-arms bills.

So far, both contenders are even in the polls on the voters’ position; however, the confrontation is expected to be one of the bitterest ones since the position of Florida represents in the Senate for both parties. "Rich" Scott’s money could be the difference that will give him the victory in what is expected to be a photo- finished final.