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Thursday, February 1, 2018

The cold tombs Florida iguanas

Por Steve AM.

The strong wind and snow storm that has lashed this past week to a large part of the United States has also been primed with the animals. It has been curious the case of Florida iguanas, which the cold has left stunned. The low temperatures, which have dropped to -5 ° C, have frozen the reptiles, leaving them motionless, so they fell from the trees where they usually sleep because they can not keep their grip on the branches of the trees.

Several US media outlets highlight these days the incredible amount of iguanas lying on the floors of Miami. US television stations announced that some other species may also be affected by the cold such as sea turtles and manatees, so they require additional care during this climate.

Green iguanas are an exotic species known in Florida for eating garden plants and digging burrows that undermine infrastructure. It is not, however, the only reptile affected by the cold wave that this week hits the United States: sea turtles are also immobilized when temperatures drop to these levels. Experts warn that although they seem to be dead, many times, they are still alive. Some scientists explain that when the water temperature drops, some species like stunned sea turtles can float in the water on the coast or very close to it. To date, around 100 turtles have been rescued in the American country.

The Florida manatee is another species that can be affected by extreme cold. When the water temperature drops, the manatees gather as a defense in warm water habitats, as discharge channels in power plants and natural springs. The North American authorities have issued an announcement which asks sailors to pay more attention to manatees in shallow waters near the coast, both inland and on the coast, and to obey all signs of the speed zone. sea ​​cow.

According to the report, sailors should avoid areas where large numbers of manatees gather, the explanation is that the animals grouped in one place should not be disturbed, as this could cause them to leave the hot water places that help them. cope with low temperatures.