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Saturday, April 14, 2018

Michael Avenatti, the Devil’s Lawyer?

Por freewinds12345

Michael Avenatti likes luxuries. A modern car, expensive drinks and above all, an impeccably designed suit are part of the personality of this lawyer who now defends the porn actress Stormy Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford. Avenatti has shown that he is a person who does not walk around with games or looks, now the president of the United States is his new target and will not stop until he is taken to court. Two elevated egos face each other only that Michael is a dragons’ killer by nature and feels like the stone of David's wave that knocked down Goliath, powerful.

As precedent Avenatti a year ago toppled a company of surgical gowns to which he made pay a total of 450 million dollars after it was proven guilty in the production of defective gowns with the devastating testimony of one of its managers. According to the lawyer, it only takes to do the homework to defeat any giant so it is not the first time that Daniels’ lawyer faces heavyweights. He has previously litigated against Hollywood stars, corporations and even the National Football League. Some, such as William Cornwell, a lawyer from Florida, consider him one of the most talented lawyers.

According to one of his professors at George Washington University, Avennati is a person who grows up in difficult cases and under pressure. That is why for many it is not surprising that he has taken a case like this to continue strengthening his reputation. Although a Florida court denied the request of Daniels and Avenatti, he has not stopped looking for other legal remedies that would make the president appear in court to testify, a fact that unquestionably would be a success because even Robert Mueller himself has managed to bring Trump to court.

Although the lawyer has a lifestyle worthy of TV series SUIT, he has stated on multiple occasions that nobody is paying a penny to him or his client, only the donations through a portal that they have allowed him to invoice about 300,000 dollars. Avenatti has become a headache for Trump in recent weeks. In his own words, he is a street fighter with a university degree. And without doubt, his street style has led him to harass Trump from several fronts, including social networks. Also, he has shown in the media his aggression and provocation by accusing David Schwarts, Michael Cohen's lawyer, of bullying.

Daniels’ lawyer, who likes car races in which he has himself participated, more than money seeks public recognition. If you win the case, or at least put the president in serious trouble by taking him to court, many clients will surely knock on his door requesting his services. Daniels’ case came into his hands is the perfect excuse to raise his ego and reputation to the height of the Trump’s Towers.

A hearing is scheduled for April 30 with Judge James Otero in the Los Angeles district. Michael Avenatti intends that Trump and his lawyer, Michael Cohen, confess their possible involvement in the payment of $ 130,000 to Stormy Daniels on a silent agreement. During this last month, media have highlighted the alleged sexual adventure of Donald Trump with Stephanie Clifford between 2006 and 2007. Michael Avenatti seeks to reveal details about whether regulations on electoral financing were violated. In addition to compensating his client, the lawyer wishes to clarify the use or not of public funds to buy the silence of his client. According to Avenatti, Michael Cohen was responsible for paying money to Clifford during the presidential campaign and although generous Cohen alleges that money came from his own pocket, Avenatti speculates that the source of it comes from campaign funds.

Although the legal team of the president denies any kind of accusation, his claim to Clifford of a compensation of 20 million dollars for having broken the pact of silence is questionable.

Braggart or not, Avenatti will not stop until he gets Donald Trump and Michael Cohen interrogated in court about what really happened with his client. After this novel ends, Michael Avenatti will probably celebrate buying a high-priced watch while Donald will spend his money on new handkerchiefs.