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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The new role of Arnold Schwarzenegger

Por MRod

In a sense, Schwarzenegger is considered a version of Trump before Trump, though not ideologically. In 2003 he rode a wave of discontent and a difficult economic situation to emerge as an anti-establishment candidate, who cannot be bought, who says things as they are, willing to impose a hard hand on those politicians sold to lobbies.

Arnold Schwarzenegger has returned to politics ready to reform a Republican Party that he considers it is delivered to extremism and chaos in the hands of Donald Trump. He will do it from the rear, lending his voice and his ability to raise funds to moderate candidates who support causes that he considers common sense, such as the fight against climate change.

On March 21, the former governor of California put on a suit to participate in a political act. It was a small meeting, in a gym in East Los Angeles. He went there along with the Governor of Ohio, John Kasich, to support the current leader of the Republican minority in the California State Legislature, Chad Mayes. In the act, the Assemblyman for San Bernardino wanted to launch an idea that he has baptized as New Way California. Basically, the idea that the Republican Party must change if it wants to once again be relevant in the state. M

ayes has received significant criticism within his party for supporting the program against climate change in California, in a context in which it has become fashionable to question the very existence of the phenomenon, following Trump. Kasich and Schwarzenegger were there because they have proposed to do the same throughout the United States. Both are alarmed by the drift of a Republican Party that seems unable to put the common interests of the country ahead of those of the party. "The politics of division, anger and resentment can lead to a strong base at the polls, but it is tearing our country through the roots and nothing is being done", Schwarzenegger said at that meeting.

The well-known actor is the same age of Donald Trump, and takes seven out of active politics. He left the post of governor of California in 2011 after two terms. He sought a way to present himself as president in 2016, but finally did not try, aware that he was facing the strict interpretation of the constitutional concept of "natural citizen" of the United States. Schwarzenegger went on to study the possibility of proposing a constitutional amendment to eliminate that requirement. In the end he gave up, with obvious bitterness when he talks about it. Nevertheless, Schwarzenegger saw in the first person the decomposition of the Republican Party of California while he was governor. He notices that, behind the Trump show, there is a Republican Party that is increasingly disconnected from common American values.