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Monday, April 16, 2018

The Race for the Florida Senate Seat will have a Photofinish End

Por dbloggers

The Florida Senate race is not only about resistance but also about speed. Only a few more than six months for the November elections and the race of the two opponents for the legislative seat by that State is very even, only the amount of donations and money can create the turning point between both contenders for the position. The fight becomes fiercer because Florida is one of the few legislative strongholds of the Democrats. In addition, Florida is known to be decisive in elections. Maybe that's why Bill Nelson launched an SOS to his fellow followers, because the support could be the winner in a Photofinsh final.

As a strategy to get out of the economic asphyxiation of the campaign, Senator Bill Nelson has requested help from the minority leader in the Senate, Charles Schumer. He also carries out campaigns to increase fundraising activities. However, the critics of his opponents have not waited; they consider that he is an inveterate bureaucrat who wastes taxpayers' money when failing to fulfill his promises.

On the other hand, Rick Scott is confident. Rich Scott, I mean, Rick Scott is a millionaire and can afford to fund his own campaign without having to beg his party. In 2014 he and his wife Ann issued 5 million dollar checks, respectively, for the Republican Party during the campaigns of that period.

Senator Bill Nelson, the only Democrat to represent Florida, despite his three- year office has in Rick Scott a big rival. Scott, despite multiple criticisms over a five-year period, continues to be reelected again and again as Florida governor. Undoubtedly, Governor Rick has a huge power in Florida and the announcement of his candidacy has made Nelson nervous at noticing serious chances of losing his senatorial seat. Senator Nelson does not fail to recognize Rick as a true opponent, but the shock has given him, in the first instance, to ask for money, a lot of money, as he said. According to his statements to local media, "there is a lot at stake".

"There is a lot at stake"

The Republicans have shown their interest in having absolute control of one of the most indecisive states at the time of the presidential vote. The victory of Scott could be the turning point in the legislative elections of November, besides guaranteeing the control of the Senate to Donald Trump who sharpens the knives to implant his authoritarian regime.

On the other hand, Nelson's accomplishments during the years of service in the Florida Senate would be lost. Nelson has been responsible for supporting 20 military bases in Florida, developing 5G wireless networks and lobbying for The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) funds.

Which are the weaknesses and strengths?

Both contenders are known for their work ethic and commitment to the voters. Rarely have they disappointed the voters, although as good politicians they have always erred and failed to make bad decisions.

Although Bill Nelson was limited by federal campaign laws in the amount of money he can raise, he knows how to use social media to gather followers. However, this will not be enough because according to specialists, campaign expenses for legislators have increased almost twice. In addition, Nelson has the support of many voters who dislike the current presidency. Rick Scott is directly associated with Donald Trump, who until now has been a disaster according to polling companies. On the other hand, Nelson has defended arms control and has opposed oil drilling in Florida waters.

Meanwhile, Scott is also known for his hard work as governor. After the passage of Hurricane Irma, he showed solidarity with the victims in Puerto Rico, a fact that perhaps would bring grateful benefits at polls. Besides, Rick has the ability to identify voters who show faith in Republicans. Regarding gun control, after the Parkland massacre, he signed a draft law on fire guns, contrary to the NRA’s position, although, many voters still recall his absence in the meeting organized by CNN about the shooting, which Nelson attended.

Everything will now depend on the American voters who will have to decide which politician is less like Donald Trump, since their representation in the Senate will depend on it to a large extent. Unfortunately, Florida already has a rabid ultra-rightist dog as a legislator: Marcos Rubio.