A voice that shouts loudly: the cinema
Filmmaker Oliver Stone, guest of the Fajr International Film Festival in Tehran in press statements, denounced what is happening in that country as a result of bad American actions. Stone on his trip, avoided criticism of the Islamic state, did not want to implicate the Iranian director Jafar Panahi, now invited to the Cannes festival, who was also banned from participating in such festival and stressed the interview he did, however, in who interviewed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his documentary "Persona Non Grata" in 2003.
On the rumors of if he would make a documentary about an Iranian leader or politician, as realized by the Cuban Fidel Castro, Stone said he had no plans at this time. He also denied requesting an interview with former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
The well-known filmmaker Oliver Stone attacked Tehran against the policies of the United States in the Middle East, which he described as disgusting and disastrous, no matter who the president of the country is.Guest of the Fajr International Film Festival, Stone visits Iran for the first time and his presence has stoked great expectations due to the complicated relations between Washington and Tehran.
In statements to the press, the filmmaker claimed that the White House carries out dirty policies that have ruined millions of lives. To Stone's consideration, if chaos is provoked in Syria, if there are terrorists everywhere if migration has become a phenomenon in massive numbers of people there is no more obvious purpose than destroying the Middle East.
According to the filmmaker author of classics such as "Platoon" and "Born on the fourth of july", there is a pattern since 2001 in this sense, which continues despite the fact that the invasion of Iraq in 2003 was a disaster. It is irrelevant who the president of the US, George W. Bush, Barack Obama or Donald Trump, America will continue to break any agreement you have made to get what you want.
For his part, Donald Trump threatened a few months ago to abandon the nuclear agreement signed between Iran and six major powers in 2015 if no further restrictions are imposed on Tehran, but the official decision on the matter will not be released until May 12.
Stone also emphasized recent statements by Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron on the negotiation of a new multilateral agreement with Iran. To the filmmaker, this encounter turned out to be a very depressing scene because the time of the American invasion of Iraq, where France refused to participate in the intervention, immediately came to mind. Therefore, the meeting between Macron and Trump would be a return to colonialism. Stone also advised Macron to learn not to be imperialist.
In his statements to the press and various presentations, Stone sought to ingratiate himself at all times with his Iranian hosts, always leaving out any criticism of the politics of the Islamic Republic or censorship in the cinema in the country. In return, he stressed that in Hollywood the criticism is given mainly by the difficulties to finance films that are critical with the US and to promote for example works like "W." 2008, about George W. Bush.