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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Where does female sexual desire come from?

Por mestiza93

It turns out that a set of neuroactive peptides named kisspeptin prompts the release of a hormone that has a great influence on female libido: gonadotropin. The scientists who came to that conclusion come from the Alma Mater of Saarland, in Germany, and Liège, in Belgium. After a joint process, they shed light on this somewhat obscure subject.

These biologists explored in brain mice the brain tonsils, responsible for the processing of emotional reactions, especially sexual behavior. This revealed kisspeptin-sensitive neurons in the tonsil bodies of mice. And you know: Mice are very similar to humans! At the time that the researchers activated these neurons, surprisingly the mice showed much more interest in the opposite sex and reduced their levels of anxiety. By extension, it can be said that there is a probability that it will be the same in people.

When asked about the root cause of this phenomenon, the researchers managed to answer that the secretion of pheromones by males is closely linked to the functioning of the set of peptides. In this regard, they emphasize that their study could generate contributions to the treatment of sexual dysfunctions in women.

Other data of interest on female sexuality have been revealed with the passage of time: while men turn their eyes towards the breasts and buttocks, women tend more to the head. This was demonstrated by a study at the University of Kansas that shed light on the differences between eye movements: it is not the same when we see others as friends as when we observe them as potential partners.

In the experiment, 105 heterosexual students -women and men- were involved. They were shown images of young people, in two blocks: romantic and friendly, of a dozen photos each. An eye tracking technology noted in each case the point where the gaze was most attentive and had to answer questions from the researchers: confirm or deny the possibility of engaging in a relationship or friendship with who appeared in the image.

Now another question is imposed: What of the head could attract female sexual desire? Let's think about ideas.