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Monday, June 11, 2018

Get out of my house, son

Por Sofía

Although they may not report them and even though they may want them, many parents get fed up with their children when they have lived with them for a long time. Having a thirty-year-old son who does not cooperate should not be very pleasant. Well, this is what happened with the parents of Michael Rotondo.

This Tuesday, a judge of the Supreme Court of the state of New York, United States has ordered Michel, a subject of thirty years of age, to leave the house where he lives with his parents, since they sued him before the courts, according to what was reported by the WTVH channel, cited by RT. According to the summary of the short trial, the defendant does not contribute in any way to the household economy, nor does he perform any household chores. These were precisely the arguments of the lawsuit filed by his parents Mark and Christina, who demanded that he leave the house. In addition, the coexistence with the son was not exactly peaceful.

For many months, the couple left him in writing, repeatedly, several deadlines for him to leave home. Initially, the parents offered him 1.100 dollars as a financial aid so that he could redo his life in another house. They also suggested that he sell some of his belongings "especially any type of weapons", with which the young man counted. They also recommended that he look for a job, assuring him that there are jobs available even for someone with a poor work history "like the one Michel has.

However, the thirty-year-old man considers that his parents' attempts to evict him are "vengeful" and demanded an additional 30 days to leave the house, in addition to announcing that he will appeal the court ruling.

It may seem like a joke, but this happens in many countries, where children fail at work and even suffer from certain situations on a personal level and end up taking refuge in their parents' home, where they once lived. Regardless of particular situations, most people who have this behavior are vague or dependent on others, especially parents who almost always accept everything.