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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The butt, to the air

Por Miss GD

To carry out this custom, many Chinese babies use the traditional kai dang ku, tell of open pants on the back part and for many foreigners it is difficult to understand this phenomenon, in fact, most think it is an antisocial habit, and very unhygienic, which will end up hurting children.

It is said that the most unexpected ideas usually arise in Asia. Countries like Japan and China are usually the biggest sponsors of ideas considered "out of the ordinary" for the entertainment of people. However, most of these give results, due to the punctiliousness of each plan that is carried out, even if it is something simple to make people laugh. But the fact is that also some of their customs generate controversy in the West as for example, the fact of seeing a small child crouching on the street, anywhere, even if it is public, and doing his physiological needs in front of all the world.

To carry out this custom, many Chinese babies use the traditional kai dang ku, tell of open pants on the back part and for many foreigners it is difficult to understand this phenomenon, in fact, most think it is an antisocial habit, and very unhygienic, which will end up hurting children.

But Chinese educators and many from other parts of the world, recognize that babies who wear this type of clothes fasten faster the habit of going to the bathroom, with their rituals and movements and that does not allow them to simply do what they feel like, as it happens with those who wear diapers. In fact, parents or those who generally take care of children more often in China, reprimand them when they do their needs in the place that is not for it. Therefore, children understand faster how to perform this activity.

And in China, children are trained to go to the bathroom after three or four months of age, but in the West, it happens after they are a year and a half old. However, with the arrival of millions of Chinese people in the middle class, tourism, the development of large urban centers and the occidentalism and new patterns of behavior, open trousers have been relegated to the remotest Chinese rural areas.